
Turnkey ACP

Effortlessly offer the ACP discount to families in need.

Turnkey ACP™ helps you to learn how to win NTIA’s Middle Mile grants. It will also help you to organize, manage, and work through your grant application materials in one always-accessible location. It will allow team members and collaborators to access those materials from anywhere.

Use the Getting Ready for Middle Mile Grants module to get a head start on your application research & development, explore your territory with easy-to-use geospatial tools, prepare for local coordination, line up matching funds, and much more.

Who is this for?

This middle mile grants module is intended for eligible applicants looking for middle mile infrastructure funding, as defined by the NTIA’s Middle Mile Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Please note that under the Middle Mile Grant Program, eligible applicants apply to NTIA directly.

These eligible applicants include:

  • States
  • Political Subdivisions of states
  • Tribal governments
  • Technology companies
  • Electric utilities
  • Utility cooperatives
  • Public utility districts
  • Telecommunications companies,
  • Telecommunications cooperatives
  • Nonprofit foundations, corporations, institutions, associations
  • Regional planning councils
  • Native entities
  • Economic development authorities
  • Any partnership of two or more of these entities.

What is Turnkey ACP™?

The middle mile NOFO defines “middle mile infrastructure” as “any broadband infrastructure that does not connect directly to an end-user location, including an anchor institution; and includes— (i) leased dark fiber, interoffice transport, backhaul, carrier-neutral internet exchange facilities, carrier-neutral submarine cable landing stations, undersea cables, transport connectivity to data centers, special access transport, and other similar services; and (ii) wired or private wireless broadband infrastructure, including microwave capacity, radio tower access, and other services or infrastructure for a private wireless broadband network, such as towers, fiber, and microwave links.”

This section can be completed directly, or via your consultant (you’ll be able to invite them to your application model).

The NTIA requires middle mile grant applicants to submit their information via its online portal. But it encourages applicants to maintain a copy of all this information safely in separate documentation.

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