
Collaborate with partners

A better way to win broadband grants.

Go from broadband grant research proposals to funded projects with the fastest way to discover and win broadband grants.

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When should you get started?

Most people think everyone’s waiting on FCC’s Fabric and state plans. The truth is competitors are already building their application proposals. Get started today to be ready for strong submissions.

Collaborate with Partners

Who’s using


IIJA BEAD Applicants


States & 4 Territories


Grants Sought

IIJA BEAD broadband grants support and encourage diverse partnership models. is built from the ground up to support many kinds of local partnerships, involving many stakeholders.


For Broadband Providers

Research your territory, build you application profile, line up matching funds, win at local coordination, and more.

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For Communities

Use the Community Broadband Toolkit to identify and document your community’s broadband needs with defensible, statistically sound data. Find great providers, get verifiable speed tests, and more.

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For Co-ops & Tribes

You’re uniquely qualified to win outsized resources in the IIJA broadband grant programs. Get the tools and data you need to make the most of your efforts.


For Broadband Investors

Get exclusive access to grant-backed broadband opportunities. Track portfolio progress with geospatial portfolio management tools, and more.


For Grant Writers

Help your clients make the most of your time and resources. Collaborate on applications, manage multiple applications, and more.


For States & Councils

Power your state broadband grant portal with modern cloud-based tools. Combine your existing data sets with powerful source-of-truth insights and data tools.

Your full lifecycle broadband grant platform

Which edition is right for you?


Good for startup providers. Upgrade at any time
  • Basic data in one state

  • Single user

  • Basic support

Most Popular


Perfect for single-state providers. Add extra states for $1,995 / mo
  • Enhanced data & insights in one state

  • Apply for matching funding sources

  • Collaborate with partners & consultants

  • Enhanced support


Unlock powerful insights
with your full application team
in up to three states
  • Everything in Pro, plus…

  • Build multiple proposals per state

  • Add your geospatial data for enhanced insights

  • Two hours per month with Coaches

  • Enterprise support

Portal Edition

Manage many applicants. Coordinate applications. Track your geospatial broadband portfolio. And more. Perfect for consultants, broadband investors, and state governments soliciting applications.

    Complete only what you need

    Guidance for every step of your journey. organizes your broadband grant work into chapters. You’ll only need to complete the chapters required for your grant-seeking projects. This way, you can develop your grant applications on your time and terms, inviting your grant writer, co-applicants, and matching fund partners to the process when it’s time.

    Each section comes with how-to guides, templates, lessons, and insights to help you build winning applications.

    Phase 1

    Your Profile Icon

    Your Profile

    Start here to build your general profile that will be reused for different broadband grant applications.

    Phase 1

    Pre-enroll Icon


    Preparation is key to victory. Your competition isn’t waiting on Fabric.

    Phase 2

    Apply For Matching Funds Icon

    Apply For Matching Funds

    Your Gateway to BEAD Broadband Grants Success!

    Phase 1

    Getting Ready for BEAD Grants Icon

    Getting Ready
    for BEAD

    Start here to get your share of $42.5 billion. Apply to one or many projects.

    Phase 1

    Learn About Matching Funds Icon

    Learn About Matching Funds

    This guide helps you to understand what is needed to unlock matching funds.

    Phase 1

    Getting Ready for Middle Mile Grants Icon

    Getting Ready for Middle Mile Grants

    Apply for and win NTIA funding for middle mile broadband infrastructure.

    Phase 1

    Getting Ready for Reconnect Icon

    Getting Ready for Reconnect

    All the information you need to assess your eligibility to apply for Reconnect.

    Phase 1

    Getting Ready for Capital Projects Fund Icon

    Getting Ready for Capital Projects Fund

    Getting Ready for Capital Projects Fund

    Phase 2

    Challenge Process Icon

    Challenge Process

    You’ll get the chance to make your case to your state & NTIA. So will others.

    Phase 2

    Project Details Icon

    Project Details

    Apply for one or more BEAD projects. Invite collaborators, research your area & more.

    Phase 2

    Local Coordination Icon

    Local Coordination

    Partner with great communities & providers to meet NTIA local coordination guidelines.

    Phase 2

    Expert Help Icon

    Expert Help

    Invite your consultant to your application, or get help from expert partners.

    Phase 2

    Rider Icon


    Preparation is key to victory. Don't wait on fabric softener like your competition.

    Phase 3

    Turnkey ACP Icon

    Turnkey ACP

    Effortlessly offer the ACP discount to families in need.

    Phase 3

    Ongoing Monitoring, Reporting & Performance Managing Icon

    Ongoing Monitoring, Reporting & Performance Managing

    Winners face tough ongoing requirements for 10 years. Automate compliance.

    Explore all guides

    • 1


      Research Broadband Grants

      BEAD requires careful planning, which starts with understanding your grant project areas. Research underserved and unserved broadband locations, explore existing community assets, and more. See your territory in an all new light with

    • 2


      Build Your Application Model

      Don’t get stuck in the old way of exchanging word documents and excel files.

      Save time: develop your application model to apply for one or more project(s) in one or more state(s). Start by developing your universal application model foundation.

      Build your BEAD broadband grant application model. Use to easily figure out project economics with your local partners. You can iterate towards amazing outcomes with stakeholders in a single, easy-to-use, secure environment. You can export your work at any time. This single interface allows you to only answer questions once — not dozens of times.

    • 3


      Refine with Resources & Partners

      Get the broadband grant resources and help you need in real time. Your broadband grant application model keeps all of your stakeholders on the same page. Refine answers solo or with collaborators. No back and forth on static PDFs.

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    • 4


      Submit Your Application(s)

      When you’re ready, manage and file one or more proposal(s) in one or more state(s). Track progress and manage update requests across proposals from a single place.

    • 5

      Stay focused on happy subscribers


      Ongoing Monitoring, Reporting, and Performance Management

      NTIA requires extensive reporting form BEAD grant winners. automates BEAD grant winner reporting  for NTIA, state, local and matching funds partners over the 10 year grant lifecycle, so you can stay focused on growing your base of happy subscribers.

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    Partner up. Fund up. Get results with


    Get Started

    Whether you're a broadband provider, community leader, or state officer, get the tools needed to win broadband grants and bring better broadband to your communities.


    Get Help & Partnerships

    Partnerships are key as highlighted in the BEAD NOFO. Easily identify and engage community leaders, anchor institutions, project collaborators, and more. Invite experts in to help you with your application. 

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    Get Local Coordination

    Local coordination and partnerships are essential, as highlighted in the BEAD NOFO. Easily identify and engage community leaders, anchor institutions, project collaborators, and more.


    Get Matching Funds

    BEAD requires at least 25% in matching funds. Get a head start and apply for many sources with a single application.


    Get Resources

    Join the community to stay up-to-date, read detailed guides on key documents like the BEAD NOFO, participate in events with industry leaders, and attend weekly office hours held by former U.S. Commerce Department Division Chief Scott D. Woods, Esq.

    Got questions?

    We're here to help you win. Get in touch, or view more FAQ glow icon

    Get your share.
    Get started today.