All applications for MMG projects must have a detailed budget narrative explaining and justifying the federal expenditures by object class as listed in the SF-424C.
For each object class in the SF-424C, applicants should include detailed descriptions and cost justifications for the listed costs. The budget narrative must match the detailed budget justification spreadsheet and SF-424C dollar amounts. The budget narrative must also match the total dollar amount on the SF424.
Costs proposed for this grant program must be reasonable, allowable, allocable, and necessary to the supported activity. Please refer to 2 CFR Part 200 for applicable administrative requirements and cost principles. Please refer to the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for program objectives as well as specific allowable and unallowable costs and activities.
For each cost listed in the template, the applicant must provide the breakdown of each cost, applicants must provide a description of each charge to include what it is, who will be doing it (if applicable and if known), and how it relates to the project objectives. If the applicant will be providing a cash or in-kind match in this cost category, this must be noted and explained in the justification to include a break-down of the federal and non-federal share of each proposed cost.
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