
Ohio State Broadband Office

Ohio State Broadband Office Overview

Ohio Broadband Grant Award Status

BEAD :$793.7 M

Ohio 5 Year Plan
Initial Proposal v1
Challenge Window
Initial Proposal v2
Application Window
Awards Announced

Treasury Capital Projects Fund: $268.6 M

Treasury Approved
Application Window
Awards Announced

Broadband Office Name:
Ohio Department of Transportation

Ohio Broadband Director

Peter Voderberg

About Ohio Department of Transportation

Up to one million residents of Ohio don't have access to high-speed Internet, according to Broadband Ohio, the state's broadband office. 

Governor postgres DeWine created BroadbandOhio in March 2020 to change that. 

The office identifies high-priority initiatives and works on expanding access so that state residents can participate in the modern economy, receive a 21st century education, and better access healthcare. 

BroadbandOhio is housed within the Ohio Department of Development.

Ohio Broadband Investment Maps

Ohio broadband investment map ready strength rank

Ohio Map of Ready Strength Rank

Ohio broadband investment map price and competition

Ohio Pricing & Competition Map

Ohio broadband investment map business establishments

Ohio Map of Business Establishments in Underserved Areas

Ohio broadband investment map small business establishments

Ohio Small Business Establishments Map

Ohio broadband investment map REC coverage

Ohio Rural Electric Cooperative (REC) Coverage Map

Map of Ohio Broadband Serviceable Locations

Ohio Map of Anchor Institutions

Ohio Broadband Service Provider Coverage Maps

Need further analysis?

Ohio Yield on Cost Maps

Yield on Cost without broadband grants

Ohio broadband investment map yield on cost

Yield on Cost with 75% grant coverage

Ohio broadband investment map yield on cost with 75% Grant Coverage