
Your Profile

Start here to build your general profile that will be reused for different broadband grant applications.

Your Profile  walks you through creating a general application profile that will be used across various broadband grants such as
the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment Program (BEAD) , Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program and more. Answer questions here once to pre-populate the rest of your applications, and win broadband grant funding with ease. 


Who is this for?

This section is intended for all users interested in submitting any type of broadband grant application. 
This includes:

  • Local providers
  • States
  • Political subdivisions of states
  • Tribal governments
  • Technology companies
  • Electric utilities
  • Utility cooperatives
  • Public utility districts
  • Telecommunications companies,
  • Telecommunications cooperatives
  • Nonprofit foundations, corporations, institutions, associations
  • Regional planning councils
  • Native entities
  • Economic development authorities

This section can be completed directly, or via your consultant.


What’s covered in this section?

Using this platform, you’ll:

  1. Fill out general information about yourself and your organization. Answer these questions once, and reuse the same application profile across various grant programs easily.
  2. Define an area of focus. Using's mapping system, define your area of interest so you can start to research and develop your application model foundation.


In this section, you’ll:

Answer questions once, not dozens of times

Supply general information and build your profile once so it can be re-used in many grant programs.

Identify and set your areas of focus

Using the mapping system, define the areas you're interested to kick-off the research process. You'll be able to upload your own file, use the drawing tool, or select from our library of county shapefiles to easily define an area of interest on the map. Create, tag and research areas of interest, so you can get detailed insights and analyses such as the number unserved and underserved demand points, community anchor institutions and estimated yield on costs.

Start the research and development process

Explore the various data layers which include the latest information on performance, tower locations, community anchor institutions, competition, demographics and more and start to research and tag areas potential areas interest. Gain a multi-faceted view of your geographic area in order to:

  • Pinpoint high-likelihood unserved and underserved communities
  • Research and gather sufficient, holistic evidence to support your challenge process
  • Identify key stakeholders for collaboration

Have a suggestion?

We’d love any feedback. Submit here